Why does this exist?
Give average participants in the Próspera ZEDE some way to share information easily. The other mechanisms did not work too well for this:
- Próspera has an official knowledge base on zendesk. It’s authoritative but only their staff has write access, understandably enough. This limits the amount of content that will ever be available there.
- The official Discord lets people answer each other’s questions, but the conversational nature means a question is asked, answered, scrolls out of view, and is asked again. That also means answers tend to be cursory, no one want to write a paragraph each time.
A wiki is durable, can be edited by anyone, and can grow contain as much information as needed. So it’s worth a try.
What can I add here?
Any information that can be useful for either residents or entrepreneurs in Próspera, actual or prospective. If you saw someone ask it in the discord or on the unofficial subreddit, it’s probably in scope here.